Predatory lending is when lending companies initiate a loan with a consumer where there are unfair, deceptive, or fraudulent terms and/or conditions to the loan. Typically, predatory lenders will look...Read More
It is likely that you—like most Americans—are facing some type of debt, whether it is a car loan, credit card, student loans, or even a payday loan. While having debt...Read More
In a spot delivery transaction, a consumer purchases and takes possession of the vehicle on the spot but financing is not yet finalized. Sometimes in a spot delivery deal, a...Read More
Sometimes, a car dealership will be aware of a mechanical issue in a vehicle but will not take the necessary steps to repair it or will make the repairs in...Read More
Even consumers that have recently purchased new vehicles can find themselves later discovering damage they were not made aware of prior to purchase. New vehicles can be damaged in a...Read More
A vehicle is typically declared salvaged when it is found to be a total loss due to some sort of serious physical accident, whether it is an automobile collision, flood,...Read More
For most people, buying a new car can be an exciting and rewarding time. For many New Mexicans, cars are a necessity to get to work and take care of...Read More
With more people seeking to reduce their carbon footprint and “go green” these days, many New Mexicans are beginning to consider the use of solar paneling on their homes. It...Read More
Bradley Law represents consumers that are victims of car dealership fraud and deceptive practices. Car dealership fraud and deceptive practices refers to the many fraudulent, deceptive and unlawful practices that...Read More
In recent years there has been a great demand by consumers for more renewable energy sources, such as solar energy. Because of this demand, there has been a rise in...Read More